How can open emotionals best support emotional beings?
Yesterday, I had a session with a client who previously enrolled in my Living Your Design group program, and then decided to take her knowledge of the system deeper by signing on for ongoing 1:1 mentorship 🔥
She’s a career coach, and a Sacral Generator. She brought three of her client charts to look at, and all three had a defined emotional center… interestingly, they all had the 19-49 channel 🤯
She shared about how it’s been confusing to her in the past, witnessing the lengthy process that emotional beings go through in order to come to clarity on their decisions. With Sacral authority, emotions play zero role in her decision making; it’s all about honoring her spontaneous gut response in each moment.
We talked about how with her open emotional center, she can be sensitive and receptive to where her clients are at emotionally. With her growing awareness of how emotional beings operate, she can discern when her clients feel clear, versus when it is apparent that there is still a lot of charge around something. Even if they aren’t aware of their mood, she can easily sense when they are at a high, neutral, and low point in their wave, and witness the different stories their mind creates about their situation depending on their mood. As a coach, she has the ability to reflect her clients clarity (or lack thereof) back to them, and help them to understand the notion of “no truth in the now”.
An emotional being in a super high wave might feel excessively optimistic about her career prospects or financial situation, and this might drive her to take certain risks or make investments that aren’t actually correct for her. An emotional being in a low wave might believe that she’s not qualified for any job that will fulfill her, and what’s the point of it all anyways?
This is the value of becoming Human Design informed. Without this knowledge, it can be easy to assume that what works for you is what will work for others. A coach with sacral or splenic authority might put an unhealthy pressure on their emotional clients to make spontaneous decisions. An emotional coach might encourage her sacral or splenic clients to take their time feeling into things, thus distracting them from their knowing in the moment.
Are you curious about adding Human Design to your toolkit? I am still offering a substantial discount on integration packages. Typically $150 for an hour session, I’m offering 12 sessions (no expiration date) for $1000 PIF, or 6 for $600. These can be focused on your own personal experiment, or used in combination with self-study as you learn how to read charts and integrate this awareness into your life/work. To learn more, you can inquire via the form at the bottom of this page.