I’m happy you’re here!
From the moment I first saw my Human Design chart in November 2019, I just knew that this was one of the most impactful discoveries of my life.
My logical mind had its doubts- I had never “believed” in astrology before. How could it be possible that the time you were born could determine so much about you? Still, I followed my knowing and this has taken me on a wild ride of investigation and experimentation, resulting in an ever-deepening sense of peace, freedom, purpose and fulfilment.
In the beginning, I was just so high on the existence of this system. As I continued to study the chart of anyone who’s birth information I could get my hands on, the accuracy and specificity of this knowledge blew my mind again and again. I experienced wave after wave of relief and permission as I dove into the mechanics of my relationships, and profound humility and amazement at the power I held in my hands when I could pull up someone’s Bodygraph and then instantly learn so much intimate information about who they are- their gifts along with their struggles and insecurities, what drives them, and what keeps them up at night and makes them tick. People constantly ask me if I am psychic.
Offering readings just sort of happened. At first, I was simply driven by a compulsion to tell everybody I knew about their chart, and then ask them questions about their experiences in order to support my own process of testing and verifying the knowledge. People found what I was sharing with them to be valuable, and then began sending others to me. Eventually I started accepting payment, and now it appears I am an entrepreneur!
In a coaching industry that tends to be highly goal focused, I operate within a different paradigm. Human Design is an experiment in surrender. The hypothesis is that your mind is not equipped to be the decision-making authority in your life- instead, you have what’s called Strategy & Authority, which is how you are uniquely designed to connect to the wisdom of your body and allow a deeper intelligence to determine your movement through life. Your mind is then free from the stress and anxiety of thinking that it’s supposed to be in control and gets to relax as a passenger. Through this process, you might not get the life you’ve been conditioned to think you want, but you get your life.
Ultimately, perhaps the greatest gift your Human Design experiment can offer you is self-love and self-trust. That is what this is all about- cultivating an unshakeable knowing and confidence that the life you are living is the life you are meant for, and you trust yourself to make your own decisions. When you are trying to be someone you’re not and operate in ways you’re not designed to, it’s only natural that this will produce discomfort and insecurity. When you are living in alignment with your true nature, it is inevitable that you will be madly in love with yourself and your life!
That voice in your head that drives you mad, constantly fretting “Am I on the right path? Is this really it? Am I good enough? Will I get there fast enough? Is there something wrong with me? Am I doing it wrong? Should I be doing more? Is there something I’m missing?”
… These thoughts do not go away instantly, but the more you experiment and align to your true nature, the quieter they become and the less power they have to distort your behavior.
Beyond that, Human Design has the potential to revolutionize your relationships. This knowledge is exponentially expanding my compassion and acceptance for the full range of human diversity, teaching me to connect and communicate more authentically and effectively, and helping me to create a felt sense of safety and serve as an oasis of permission in all my relations.
A reading with me is an intimate, impactful, potentially life changing conversation. I am aware that you are far more than your chart- you are an infinitely complex being containing multitudes and transcending explanation. I am comfortable working with individuals from all different cultures and life phases, humbly sharing what I see in your chart with respect for you as the authority in your own life, and a healthy awareness of my own perceptual limitations.
I am constantly reiterating that HD is an experiment, quoting Ra: “Don’t believe me and don’t trust me”. Our work together is a laboratory for you to practice accessing your own truth.
I encourage my clients to experiment to the extent that feels within range. I recognize how scary it can be to start confronting and challenging your conditioning, how dysregulating to the nervous system it can feel to let go of familiar patterns of behavior. I respect and honor your process and your pace!
Another defining characteristic of my approach is the principle of amorality- nothing is right or wrong, it is simply effective or ineffective, mechanically correct or incorrect. I have no agenda; I am not on a mission to convince you to see life the way that I see it, my intention is to empower you to see life through your own brilliantly unique lens as clearly as possible.
If you resonate with the approach I have described, I would love to meet you!
Training & Qualifications
IHDS Certified Analyst, trained with Human Design America and qualified to offer Incarnation Cross Analysis, Individual Rave Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, Partnership Analysis (This was a 5+ year process!)
IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guide
2 years employed by Jovian Archive and Mybodygraph, official library of primary source HD materials
Currently pursuing my masters in Expressive Arts Therapy at the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS)- projected graduation 2027
B.A in Psychological Sciences and Studio Art from UVM’s Honor’s College
Apprenticeship with Desire on Fire including training in Inquiry Method
2x 200-hour certified yoga teacher (studied vinyasa in VT in 2017, and Kundalini in Guatemala in 2021)
30+ ayahuasca ceremonies, ISTA Level 1, and also, I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!
Trained in Integrative Transformational Coaching