A mundane example of my Human Design experiment in action, practicing surrendering to my Innocence Motivation

I made macaroni and cheese last night. I’ve been doing that a lot recently, it’s a new thing for me.

(One of the funny things about people with a lot of individual circuitry is that we tend to find something we like and then stick to it and have/do it over and over again until suddenly we get bored of it and switch to something new and the cycle repeats)

I took one bite and then realized that I was not yet ✨in the mood✨ to eat, I was in the mood to take the pup for a walk. (I am currently dogsitting the sweetest most beautiful husky in San Francisco.)

I left my phone behind and let her lead.

I still don’t know this area too well, but I trusted she does and she would bring us home eventually. I let go of my to-do list, no need to know the time.

We walked all around for a while and then when we were about a block from home, she laid down in a raised bed of soil.

My first impulse was to pull on her leash so that we could get back (undefined root center, always in a hurry). But instead, I paused. I looked at her. I looked up at the stars. I felt gratitude and thought “it won’t always be like this”.

I sat down on the cement next to her. Time passed. Eventually, I stood up and so did she. We arrived home around 9:30pm.

Then, I reheated my macaroni and cheese and ate it 🥳

I used to feel confused by Ra’s descriptions of planes in the chemistry of emotional individuality. I did not observe my emotional wave to move along a steady plane until a mutative event caused it to spike, I felt my wave was typically all over the place. But as I deepen into my true nature, I’m starting to see it. I was on a high plane for about two months through to January, then my wave spiked down and I was riding a low, and then I left LA and my wave spiked back up. There are still surface level fluctuations in mood of course- but ultimately it feels likely true that when I am operating correctly as myself, my natural emotional chemistry is actually a lot more stable than I realized. Good to know!

The end 🙃


Sun in Gate 37: Friendship (The Family), Earth in Gate 40: Deliverance (Aloneness)


Sun in Gate 55: Abundance (Spirit), Earth in Gate 59: Dispersion (Sexuality)