Sun in Gate 37: Friendship (The Family), Earth in Gate 40: Deliverance (Aloneness)
The Sun has just entered into Gate 37: Friendship (The Family)
“The manifestation macro and micro-cosmically of the organic nature of communities”
In the Emotional Center, Gate 37 emits a warm, supportive frequency that feels like family. It is a friendly and affectionate nature, sensitive to what is needed to maintain harmony amongst the tribe. It serves as the emotional glue that holds a community together, inviting others into the feeling of being part of a greater whole.
When Gate 37 is present, we may notice an amplified need for connection, community and touch.
And then we have the Earth in Gate 40: Deliverance (Aloneness).
“The point of transition between struggle and liberation”
In the Ego Center, Gate 40 loves to work hard in order to deliver resources for its tribe, as long as its independence + need for rest and alone time is respected, and it receives adequate appreciation and recognition in return for what it provides.
Together, these two gates create the 37-40 Channel of Community: A Design of a Part Seeking a Whole.
This week, the focus is on the emotional bonds, bargains and agreements that allow us to sustain healthy relationships and thriving communities. The 37-40 invites us into contemplation around how to better balance our need for belonging and our need for independence + personal freedom/integrity.
You may find yourself more aware than usual of the agreements (spoken and unspoken) that define your relationships. Now is a time to get honest with yourself about the extent to which these agreements feel authentic, fair and balanced, and where you may need to communicate and renegotiate roles and expectations.
This is a time when hidden resentments (resulting from relational imbalances and/or unclear communication) may rise to the surface, providing an opportunity to work through these together in order to create more harmonious dynamics.
This notion of “The Bargain” is the theme here. Here are some examples of what this may look like:
“I go to work and make money; you stay home and take care of the kids”
“I drive; you navigate”
“I cook for you; you shower me with affection, praise and appreciation”
“I take you on amazing dates and adventures and give you my full presence while we’re together; you refrain from asking me to commit to you or complaining about my other relationships”
“I provide you with a license that gives you credibility as a practitioner of your craft, you abide by my rules and regulations”
“I tolerate your messiness; you tolerate my OCD”
“I invest in your startup; you implement my suggestions”
Ideally, these agreements are mutually beneficial and rooted in respect and reciprocity.
Also, communication is key here, making sure all parties are aware of and have consented to the arrangement. Otherwise, you end up with situations like:
“I got us an expensive hotel room because I wanted to have loud wild sex, and now you’re saying you only want to cuddle?”
“I agreed to adopt a dog because I thought that we were all going to split the responsibility of caring for him and now I’m doing it all on my own with no help!”
“I thought the unspoken agreement we had was that I respect your process and don’t put pressure on you to get a new job, and you don’t pester me about my drinking habit- but if you’re going to try and control my drinking, I want you to know that it bothers me how long you’ve been unemployed and now I am very resentful!”
I don’t spend much time speaking about the topic of global cycles in Human Design, the mutation we are approaching in 2027 and the dissolution of the Cross of Planning- but the gist of it is as follows:
The established structures that we have trusted and relied upon for centuries to support us and meet our needs (such as governments, institutions, traditional tribal roles and expectations, social contracts, cultural norms and values, etc.) are rapidly changing and dissolving.
As the world becomes more and more chaotic, unpredictable and unfamiliar, it is becoming increasingly ineffective to cling to the conditioned ways of being that brought security in the past, and increasingly necessary to learn how to navigate through life authentically as oneself.
No more outsourcing our decision-making to external authorities, no more believing that the truth is somewhere outside of us; it’s time to practice trusting ourselves. This is what Human Design is for.
What to do?
The 37-40 transit might illuminate where outdated ways of relating are no longer providing the nourishment we need. This may serve as an invitation to bring more authenticity into our relationships, allowing old contracts to fall away as we cultivate a willingness to adjust, adapt, and create new innovative agreements in order to meet changing times.
This week, I invite you to take a look at one (or more) of your most significant relationships. This could be a relationship with an individual, a community, or really anything else that feels alive for you- and ask yourself:
Does this relationship feel balanced and reciprocal?
What are the contracts and agreements that we have with each other? Have these been clearly communicated? Is there a chance we aren’t actually on the same page?
What do I expect of them, and what do they expect of me? How does this feel in my body?
Do our relational agreements feel conscious, authentic and up to date- or are we operating unconsciously based on conditioning and obligation, clinging to what’s proven effective in the past despite the fact that times are changing?