You are more than the sum of your parts

A challenge I often run into while creating content about Human Design, is that it is very difficult to speak about one component of a chart in isolation.

Perhaps it’s my open ego’s need to prove how accurate this system is, but I have resistance to sharing about a characteristic in a highly generalized way, knowing that there will likely be many people with that trait who feel confused/don’t fully resonate!

For example:

💫The Manifestor aura does not typically feel ‘warm and fuzzy’ … unless you’re emotional and tribal

💫Integration beings can be deeply selfish… but if you have gate 28 or 38, you find purpose in empowering others too

💫The defined ego typically has an innate confidence about it… but if you’re a split definition, you might also be deeply insecure about your bridging gate

💫Projectors tend to be most focused on the other, but if you’re a 1/3 profile with lots of individuality, you might also be quite self absorbed

💫The 12-22 with motivation innocence + a completely open ego and G (like me) will likely have a hard time hiding when it’s not in the mood to be social. The 12-22 with gate 10 in a defined G + the channel of surrender, will likely be much more adept at behaving appropriately for the situation and faking it even when it’s not in the mood.

So, whenever you’re watching/reading my HD content, or anyone else’s- please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Filter it through your own knowing and discernment. It’s all an experiment anyways- what feels true for you?

When you book a reading with me, you are not simply hiring me to explain each individual component of your chart- you’re inviting my ability to connect the dots, analyze and synthesize how all the pieces work together. I combine this with deep listening and intuition in order to explain your chart to you in the context of your lived experience.

It’s taken years for me to not only learn the information, but also gain a deep understanding of the logic of this system. Additionally, the way I explain is not simply based on what I’ve read, but on my extensive experience interacting with humans while observing life through this lens, working with hundreds of clients while constantly asking how things land and hearing their lived experiences.

If you’ve caught the HD bug, you’ve been asking everyone you know their birth data, devouring all the podcasts and finding yourself in all sorts of internet rabbit holes, I highly recommend investing in a Foundation reading. It’ll save you a lot of time and confusion, and empower you with the clear confidence to begin experimenting!


Learning to feel truth in your body


Sixth lines are always seeking perfection