What is Human Design?
Inhabiting a human body can be confusing. Many of us would love to feel healthier and move through life with greater ease and flow. We know that there must be a better way to relate to one another, take care of our bodies, and navigate the material plane than the models we had growing up. We may have experienced a taste of our true potential in certain moments, and we aspire to exist in this vibration more consistently... lit up and inspired, centered in our purpose, and aligned with our highest Truth. Still, it can be tricky to know how to go about allowing this to happen. There are countless methods and modalities out there, and what works for one person may or may not work for another.
Human Design is a logical, mechanical system, and it is all about decision making. Most of us have been trained to make our decisions using our minds. To formulate a logical career plan. To pursue a partner based on a list of characteristics we think we are looking for. To say yes or no to opportunities based on what the mind thinks will bring us success or validation, or what we've been conditioned to view as morally right vs wrong. This is one way to move through the world, and it might keep us safe... but will it bring genuine pleasure and fulfillment?
According to the knowledge of Human Design, decision making is not the role of the mind. A decision made from the mind is essentially a decision based on conditioning- all the beliefs, patterns, paradigms, values, etc. that we've picked up throughout our lives, which may or may not be in service to the desires of our true self. This is why we hear so many stories of people who experience a rude awakening after spending decades chasing after what they *thought* was truly their dream, fulfilling all their obligations, playing by the rules, designing what they believed would be the perfect life, finally realizing: "this is not the life I'm meant to live!" The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way ;)
Many religions and spiritual paths point to the concept of surrender… that we are not here to try and manipulate our reality based on our thoughts, but rather our highest purpose is fulfilled when we open to receive and become a vessel for whatever it is that spirit wants to create through us. Still, the dilemma remains that humans are designed differently from one another. What does the practice of surrender tangibly entail? How is this art and science different for different people, and how can I know what will be effective for me personally, on a practical level? How do I free my mind from the pressure that it is here to make all my decisions for me, and instead align with the wisdom of my form, trusting the universe and allowing my purpose to authentically unfold without mental interference?
Could you imagine if your body came with it’s own unique user manual, that showed you just this? Each person has a unique Human Design, and you can look up yours here. A Human Design chart, or bodygraph, looks something like this:
By looking at the bodygraph, we see a map of how our energy operates. We can identify the aspects of our being that operate consistently and reliably throughout our lives (our true self, or definition- the parts of the chart that are colored in), as well as the areas where we are most vulnerable to conditioning (our not-self, or openness- the parts of the chart that are left white). Our definition shows us our innate gifts and strengths, and how we can connect to our unique embodied knowing in order to make our best decisions. Our openness brings an awareness of where we are most sensitive and receptive, where we may have been most vulnerable to conditioning from our environment, and are likely carrying the most baggage. When operating correctly, however, our openness represents our greatest potential for wisdom.
Human Design is a synthesis of modern science along with Judaic Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra system, the Chinese I-Ching, and Astrology. Though it is a synthesis of different ways of knowing, the Human Design System is not a religion and it does not require that you believe anything. This map simply presents you with the opportunity for an experiment in living more authentically. It can give you the permission and the courage to pursue your deepest desires and live the life you actually want to live... not the life others want you to live, or the life you've been conditioned to believe you have to settle for. It can also provide profound insight into the dynamics of our relationships, as we can see our similarities, differences, and how we impact one another.
“There is no such thing as a handicap in design. There is no such thing as a design that doesn’t work, that is bad, that is heavy. There is no dogma in Human Design. There’s no morality here. You’re not going to find any good or bad; all you’re going to find is what’s there. And remember, that because a human being is fundamentally unique, what is there is perfect. It doesn’t matter. As long as they live out who they are, they will get to see the beauty of what that perfection can truly be for them”
When you are operating correctly as yourself, you no longer believe yourself to be a victim to circumstance. Nobody can manipulate or control you; you have your power back. When your mind stops trying to direct your life and instead surrenders to it's proper role as the passenger, simply watching the decisions your body makes, your life may turn out to look very different from what you *thought* you wanted... and more beautiful than anything you could have ever imagined. It's a wild ride.