Sun in Gate 5: Waiting (Fixed Patterns)

This week, you may find yourself torn between the routines and rituals that keep you healthy, and your desire to shake things up and have new experiences. 

The Sun has just entered into Gate 5: Waiting (Fixed Patterns). 

In the sacral, this is the power to find your natural rhythm, fix it and stick to it. People with Gate 5 have their fixed routines and rituals, and it is unhealthy for them to stray from these. 

“Fundamental attunement to natural rhythms. Waiting as an active state of awareness”

One of the things that you will quickly realize when you begin learning about Human Design is that we are all waiting. Generators waiting to respond, emotional types waiting for clarity, Projectors waiting for the invitation, Reflectors waiting a lunar cycle… Even Splenic Manifestors aren’t designed to simply act whenever their minds decide it’s time to, they’re waiting to be moved into action by an internal spark that operates in its own timing.

Naturally, a question I get a lot as a Human Design analyst is: “So, I’m just supposed to do nothing?” 

No. Waiting isn’t doing nothing. It isn’t passive or resigned. It is an active state of awareness. It is like a constant active meditation, paying attention with sharp presence. You’re interoceptive and alert, ready to act on the unique signals your body sends you that let you know it’s time to move into action. 

And then we have the Earth in Gate 35: Progress (Change). 

This is the hunger for new experiences. It says, “I feel like a change”. It is not interested in repeating the same experience twice, that’s boring. It’s not seeking mastery of any one skill- it wants to collect as many experiences as possible in order to gain wisdom. 

“By design, progress cannot exist in a vacuum and is dependent on interaction” 

No matter how healthy your habits are as an individual, the real work happens in the context of relationship. That’s when we really get to see how much progress we’ve made. 

It is fascinating that the 5 and the 35 are programming partners; they balance each other out nicely.

Human Design/life is full of things that seem contradictory, and will drive you crazy if you’re trying to make sense of this and figure out what to do about it using your mind. When you surrender to the deeper intelligence within you, you get to witness the natural balancing of polarities, profound beyond words.

If you are honoring your Strategy & Authority, this week may bring the potential for you to deepen into a satisfying flow, along with opportunities to deviate from your standard patterns in order to experience adventure, change and novelty. 

If your mind is running your life, you might find yourself out of balance, rigidly attempting to force yourself to stick to a routine that isn’t your natural for you and thus closing yourself off to new experiences- or resisting structure and abandoning your body’s healthy rhythm in order to initiate new experiences from a place of fantasy, pressure and restlessness versus true alignment and desire. 

Ultimately, Gate 5 teaches us that there is a flow to life, and we do not get to choose this. We can join it through response and allow life to be easeful and satisfying, or we can try to swim against the current and experience endless unnecessary frustration.


Sun in Gate 26: The Taming Power of the Great (The Egoist)


Sun in Gate 9