Sun in Gate 11: Peace (Ideas), Earth in Gate 12: Standstill (Caution)

Human Design Weather Report

The sun has recently entered into Gate 11: Peace (Ideas)

This week, you might find yourself full of (and surrounded) by ideas! Everybody has so many ideas. The challenge is to refrain from taking action on all of the ideas- that’s not what they’re here for. Most ideas aren’t here for you to try to manifest, they’re here to be shared with others.

In the Ajna center, Gate 11 is the gate of white magic. It wants to find light in the darkness, to find meaning in the past and then spin it into an ideal to share with others in hopes of inspiring peace. It’s not concerned with the facts, it simply wants beliefs that feel good. 

This is: "A harmonic condition in the individual or society that permits assessment before renewed action.”

A healthy Gate 11 knows how to stimulate others with its idealism and inspire them to behave more peacefully so that we can have greater harmony in the collective, but doesn’t allow its beliefs to dictate its own behavior.

A not-self Gate 11 is prone to spiritual bypassing, delusionally idealistic thinking that inhibits your capacity to authentically meet the present moment, and distorts your ability to feel truth in your body and make decisions accordingly. 

Healthy Gate 11 says: “War is terrible. Let me tell you a story that provides a glimmer of hope for humanity and helps you find light in the darkness, and feel more at peace with the human condition”

Not-self Gate 11 says: “Borders are entirely uneccessary. We can end all the wars right now. Let’s just put down our weapons. Also we should all become vegans”

And then we have the Earth in Gate 12: Standstill (Caution)

In the throat, this is the ability to use the tone and frequency of your voice as an instrument to impact others emotionally. This is the art of articulation, creative expression, song, poetry. Gate 12 is naturally cautious about being misunderstood, and will wait to speak until the mood is right. Timing is everything!

This is “The quality of restraint and the importance of meditation and inaction in confronting temptation”

Together: Gate 11 brings endless ideas, and Gate 12 requires us to be cautious and discerning about when and how we share them.

As is the case with all individuality, Gate 12 hates inauthenticity, which can serve to balance out Gate 11’s occasional inclination towards superficial love and light at the expense of truth and reality.

This week presents us with the opportunity to practice mindfulness and intentionality in our communication, paying close attention to timing. Which ideas are actually worth sharing, and when? Sometimes less is more, and your silence communicates volumes. 

These transits invite us to bring our attention to our own patterns around communication, and to make adjustments to refine the potency of our creative expression.

If you are constantly impacting others with irritation by saying things that are unnecessary to say out loud, people will be numb to the potential transformative impact you could bring when you truly do have something to say and a unique way of saying it. 

If your pattern is actually to be excessively cautious about what you say from a place of fear in insecurity, perhaps this week can be an opportunity to push your edges and share your ideas.


Sun in Gate 10: Treading (Behavior of the Self), Earth in Gate 15: Modesty (Extremes)


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