How to experience greater satisfaction and unlock your true brilliance as a Generator/MG

If you are a Generator/MG, one of your greatest distractions is focusing on your impact instead of focusing on yourself.

If you wish to affect this world in the precise way you are designed to, serve as an inspiration to others, experience the full potential of your creativity and live a life deeply rooted in purpose and alignment- the way to get there is not by fixating on trying to have impact, but by honoring how your body responds to life and prioritizing your own satisfaction and pleasure.

Does this feel counterintuitive? Here’s why:

Even though 70% of people on this planet are Generators, there’s a lot of societal conditioning that glamorizes the Manifestor way of being: “go out there and make it happen! initiate something that has impact!” Generators suffer the most from this.

For the Manifestor, life’s big existential question is “What is my impact?” For the Generator or MG, impact isn’t the point. It’s not what will truly satisfy and fulfill you. You’re here to discover, through your responses, the answer to the question: “Who am I?” Ultimately, this is asking “How do I use my energy?”

Generators: When you are using your energy correctly and you feel good in your body, your frequency is magnetic. Your satisfaction is contagious. If you are stuck in your head fantasizing about how you’d like to impact others, this distracts from your relationship to yourself and your body’s knowing.

Honoring your responses will align you to the work you are most equipped for, and awaken the medicine you came here to serve. By drawing your awareness inwards and trusting in the intelligence of your sacral, you end up doing what you’re actually best at- instead of doing what your mind thinks you should do in order to have impact.

In conclusion: If you’re a Generator, stop focusing on your impact. Instead, focus on getting to know yourself and how your energy operates. From this place, your work in this world will transform into something that is true genius, more brilliant than anything you ever believed you were capable of.  You will naturally differentiate yourself and inspire others to honor their uniqueness as well.

You will be doing your part to support the pleasure revolution and transform the frequency of this planet from frustration to satisfaction.


Deconditioning from homogenized spirituality, for defined egos


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