Deconditioning Vs Reconditioning

Today I would like to explain the difference between DEconditioning and REconditioning!

Deconditioning describes a process of taking decision-making authority away from the mind, and learning to feel truth in your body. Instead of manipulating life based on how your mind thinks it should be, you’re surrendered to the authentic life that wants to be lived through you.

Reconditioning occurs when your mind is still running the show, but now you’re simply rebelling against your old way of being under the illusion that this is freedom. You’ve been hooked by glamorous stereotypes of a liberated life, but you’re still not living ✨your✨ life.

Here are some examples of reconditioning I’ve witnessed in myself and/or other freedom seekers on this experimental path:

⚡️ You’ve been conditioned to hold a depressing perspective on what a monogamous relationship must look like, so instead you decide that polyamory is the way.

⚡️ You’ve had a corporate career for years and you’ve never loved it. In attempt to release your old conditioning around work, you embrace new conditioning from the coaching industry which tells you that the best way to be free is to quit your job right now and become a coach.

⚡️ You resent the straight-edge, wealthy conservatives from your hometown, so now you’re a radical leftist.

⚡️ Your parents raised you to be extremely frugal, so now you think you’re calling in abundance by being financially irresponsible.

I’m not saying that any of these paths are “wrong”. They’re just trendy 🤪 For some people it is totally correct to align with these trends, and they do so in their own beautifully unique way!

Are you connecting to your authentic truth, or are you simply giving your authority away to a new and seemingly sexier homogenized belief system?

This might be an inevitable phase of the process. Perhaps there’s experiential value in tasting an opposite extreme, before aligning to the balanced harmony + correctness your body actually craves.

Can you see yourself in this? I’d love to hear in the comments 🤗


Freedom and alignment can take infinite forms!

