Accepting Rejection: A Human Design Perspective
Manifestors have a unique relationship with rejection because we are the only type designed to initiate. If we’re waiting to be asked or invited, we’ll be angrily waiting forever. It’s our responsibility to take initiative and go first. Naturally, this forces us to constantly confront our fears of rejection.
That said, rejection is universal to the human condition. What I’m about to share is filtered through the self absorption of my 1/3 profile, but relevant to all designs 🤪
I have gate 43 as my personality earth, a mental gate that carries a fear that I won’t be able to explain my weird ideas and I’ll be rejected. I also have gate 49, revolutionary principles, as my design sun. This presents a constant lesson in sensitivity, acceptance and rejection. This is all to say that this is a particularly significant keynote for me.
When I am operating correctly, it doesn’t necessarily mean I will experience less rejection- it just means that I will experience the rejection that is true for me to experience, and then navigate it correctly as myself! It will not disturb my peace.
Rejection presents an opportunity for me to lean into my ✨emotional authority✨, pause and take my time feeling into the truth of the situation:
Do I rise to the challenge and try again, OR is it time to move on and move forward?
Is there something for me to gently bring awareness to- ie a self sabotaging pattern that’s in the way? A pesky not-self trait that’s making me less desirable to the people who would LOVE to connect and collaborate with my true self? Did I impatiently try to initiate something before it’s time? Am I not explaining myself well enough?
OR, if it’s time to surrender and accept that something isn’t for me even if my mind really wanted it to be and thought that it was… how do I find peace with this?
The challenge is, rejection tends to trigger my mind’s NEED TO KNOW RIGHT NOW! My mind thinks it’s her responsibility to make sure I’m not rejected.
My open ego loves to try and take the lead on the process of figuring out why I was rejected by making sure her theory is the loudest, reminding me again and again and again: “it’s because you’re not good enough!”
My mind is afraid that if she doesn’t do a good enough preventing rejection, I will be alienated and I will not have my needs met.
When the mind thinks it’s responsible for the survival of the body, inevitably this creates anxiety because the mind is not equipped to do that job! That’s what we have strategy and authority for 🙏🏼
When my mind is not distracted by trying to run my life, that’s when my mind can do its actual job: witness life as an aware passenger, and share this differentiated awareness with others to inspire and impact. 💫 🎨
Perhaps ideally, I wouldn’t need an explanation and I could accept when something isn’t a fit simply because I know what truth feels like in my body and that is enough.
But my mind is stubborn and fearful does not let go easily- so, one of the benefits of understanding Human Design is that the logic of mechanics can easily defeat the explanations my mind formulates based on my conditioning ⚡️
Understanding mechanics obliterates the story of being “not good enough”. It destroys the logic behind conditioned fears. It disarms all mental falsehoods that block me from KNOWING that my design is absolutely brilliant and completely perfect for me, I am held by a higher intelligence and I am right where I need to be.
One of my favorite sensations in the world is witnessing my impact serve as the catalyst for my clients to access their own higher knowing, and experience their own unique variation of this breakthrough.
I am infinitely grateful for HD, and how disciplined study, practice and experimentation is unlocking my ability to articulate the right explanation at precisely the right moment, shattering the illusion that something is “wrong” with you and opening the flood gates to receive acceptance and self-love.
It’s that moment of release, when the mind finally sees its own rigidity and limitations. When the mind realizes how hilarious this all is. There are no words for depth of nourishment and peace this provides me.
If you desire support in breaking free from limiting beliefs and narratives and connecting to a higher intelligence beyond the mind- it would be my honor and pleasure to explore your Human Design chart with you ❤️