Happy Rave New Year! Sun in Gate 41: Decrease (Contraction), Earth in Gate 31: Influence
At precisely 19:10:28 UTC on January 21, the Sun enters into Gate 41: Decrease (Contraction) 🎉
This marks the beginning of a new year and initiates a new cycle of the human experiential way. Unlike the fake new year on January 1, this is a time that truly is conducive to new beginnings! 🔮
In the Root Center, Gate 41 fuels fantasy and daydreaming. It drives our desire to feel new feelings with new people and share new experiences.
We might experience Gate 41 as an incessant stream of dreams and longings- a wild imagination, the feeling of wanting something new and exciting but not necessarily being sure what exactly that is. This gate can be very sexual.
“The limitation of resources which maximizes the development of potential”
Here we have more talk about limitations. Resources might mean money, time, energy... and the limitation of resources creates the conditions required for discipline, and the ability to focus our energy on what it is that we truly want to feel. Limitation requires us to cut through the confusion around our desires and focus on one feeling at a time.
The key is to focus on what we desire to feel, versus become mentally fixated on our expectations and fantasies regarding how we think we would like this to physically manifest.
Once we are clear which feeling we are focusing on, we let go of expectations and surrender to whatever life brings. We commit to being present in the experience for what it is, trusting that its meaning will become clear and its wisdom revealed only once the experience is complete and we have space to retreat and reflect. This is the essential nature of the human experiential way.
And then we have the Earth in Gate 31: Influence
In the Throat Center, this is a voice of democratic leadership. When invited or elected, this is the ability to influence the collective by transferring a vision of a new pattern, a logical new direction for the future, and inspiring others to work together in order to make this vision a reality.
Effective leadership requires friction. If you’re afraid to ruffle feathers, you won’t be able to influence much change.
If you try to influence others without an invitation or allow your personal biases or tribal loyalties to distort your vision for the collective, you may feel as though you are bitterly shouting into the void.
This specific flavor of influence is not about individuality, it’s not about the tribe- it’s about being of service to the greater whole.
The polarity of Gate 41 and Gate 31 invites our recognition that desire and influence go hand and hand.
Successful collective leadership connects us to the feeling of excitement of being part of something greater than ourselves. It awakens and appeals to our dreams and fantasies, providing a logical and actionable solution to the limitation of resources.
What to do?
This week, the focus is on the collective.
This is the beginning of a new cycle. And I’ll address the elephant in the room- The Rave New Year comes one day after Trump’s inauguration.
This is a time characterized by friction, a mess of dreams and fantasies, the temptation to prematurely jump to conclusions about what this cycle will mean for us, heightened or shattered expectations, emotional chaos/crisis and the compulsion to try and influence the collective’s direction.
There is a lot of noise in the collective right now- and the vast majority of it is a distraction from our ability to feel and honor our own truth.
This is a potent opportunity to practice directing your focus inwards and noticing what you are feeling. Not what others tell you that you should be feeling, not the heightened feelings you might be amplifying from those close to you or from the collective- but what are YOU truly feeling? And which feeling are you going to focus on as we enter into this new cycle?
There’s no rush to figure this out. But the more you practice honestly observing what feelings are present in your system, differentiating between what’s yours and what isn’t, and choosing which feeling is most effective to focus on- the greater your ability to surrender to what the fates bring you and make the most of your experiences. AND the more well-equipped you will be to share your influence in the precise way that is your unique destiny.
And as always, your Strategy & Authority is your anchor 😘