Sun in Gate 49: Revolution (Principles), Earth in Gate 4: Formulization (Youthful Folly)
The Sun recently entered into Gate 49: Revolution (Principles)
Gate 49 is my Design Sun. It says: If you honor and obey my revolutionary principles, I accept you as part of my tribe and I am sensitive to your needs and generous with my resources. You will experience me as warm and supportive. If you violate my principles, I reject you and I don’t care about your needs. You will experience me as cold and insensitive.
Principles don’t come from the mind; they’re not about morality- Gate 49 lives in the emotional center. This is about whether my body accepts or rejects you. Principles are not static; they change and evolve as I mature and move through my emotional wave.
“Ideally the transformation of forms based on the highest principles and not simply for power”
This is not a collective gate, this is tribal. This is not about my ideas for how everyone should behave- it’s about who I relate to as my tribe and who receives my support.
Tribal principles might sound like “If you want to be my partner, you cannot date anybody else” or “In this household, everybody must show up to family dinner and we do not wear shoes indoors” or “If you respect my territory, we can form an alliance and support each other. If you invade my territory, this is war”. This is all about tribal bargains, it is the gate of marriage/divorce.
If you don’t honor and obey my principles this does not mean that you’re “wrong”, it just means that you will not receive much (or any) sensitivity and support from me. It means that my revolution will not take your needs into account, and you will feel my rejection viscerally even if I am trying to hide it, as my body screams “DON’T TOUCH ME”.
It’s been fascinating to realize and accept this quality in myself. The not-self voice of my open ego told me that in order to prove that I am a “good” person, I should regard everyone as family/tribe and be sensitive to the needs of every human on this planet, so I pretended I was. The truth is, I’m not. This is just mechanics.
The first line describes the foundation, and it is called The Law of Necessity. It reads, “Revolution has no support unless it is perceived as necessary.” In order to enroll others to support your revolution, they must perceive this as necessary, believing that all peaceful avenues for change have been exhausted, this is the last resort. Whether or not this is true is another story.
Revolution can be messy, brutal and savage. Gate 49 is the butcher, it is the sacrificer, it kills to secure territory and provide resources for its tribe. This can be literal or metaphorical.
Your revolution may not be physically violent, but it ignites transformation by destroying one principle and replacing it with another. This might be, “We want a healthy, enjoyable work environment. Let’s rise up and demand that our boss fire our mean and creepy supervisor. We don’t care about his needs, this is revolution!”
Ideally, the revolution is a necessary redistribution of resources, in alignment with the highest principles- ensuring that everybody has what they need so that there is harmony amongst the tribe. Realistically, there tends to be a lot of chaos in Gate 49.
When Gate 49 is immature and doesn’t recognize (or honor) the need to wait for clarity, it can be overly sensitive, impulsive, explosive and reactionary in its rejection. This can escalate rapidly. Hence, we have had many unnecessary wars on this planet and epically dramatic divorces.
And then we have the Earth in Gate 4: Youthful Folly (Formulization)
“The ability to beguile and succeed despite ignorance”
In the Ajna center, Gate 4 is able to formulate a logical answer to any doubt, even when you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. Just because something is logical doesn’t mean it’s true- it still needs to be tested and verified.
Still, Gate 4 has a knack for getting itself out of trouble in relationships and avoiding punishment. Someone says “You were so insensitive. I don’t understand why you rejected this.” or “Why should I join your revolution? How will this help me get my needs met?” or “That was so irresponsible of you. Why did you do that?”. Gate 4 has a logical answer. It’s hard to argue with the logic!
What to do?
If you are making decisions with your mind this week, Gate 4 can easily seduce you with its logic, keep you stuck in unhealthy emotional patterns and distract you from your valid + healthy doubts.
You may find yourself swept away by Gate 49’s energy of revolution, particularly reactive and emotionally driven to accept or reject in ways that could bring undesirable consequences.
You might notice an excess of emotional charge and lack of tolerance/patience, and the temptation to weaponize logic in order to justify the rejection you are feeling towards something/someone and enroll others in your revolution. You might also experience the urge to create chaos in order to try and prove the validity of your oversensitivity, impulsively picking unnecessary fights. This may or may not occur on a conscious level.
The only way to protect yourself from Gate 49’s volatility and Gate 4’s trickery is to follow your Strategy & Authority.
Here are some questions for contemplation:
Where might I be confusing my own emotionally established principles with objective morality? (For example: I may expect monogamy from my lovers, but that doesn’t mean it’s “wrong” for others to be polyamorous)
If I am being honest with myself, who’s needs am I truly sensitive to? Insensitive?
Where am I feeling resentment in my relationships? Have I done a sufficient job honoring my own boundaries and communicating about my principles?
Where might I be abandoning my own principles because I fear rejection?
Where might I be weaponizing logic against others instead of accepting responsibility for my own emotions and sensitivity?