Assimilation, Proselytization, Revolution and Principles; Reflections on Emerging Adulthood as a 1/3 Cross of Explanation

I originally wrote the following as a discussion board post for my Human Development & The Family class, as a creative response to what we were learning about the developmental phase “emerging adulthood”:

My personality sun, a defining characteristic of what I incarnated to do and how my light expresses itself in the world, is in Gate 23: Splitting Apart, the Gate of Assimilation. Fascinating. I’ve spent many years working in the Jewish nonprofit space, where assimilation is a hot topic. Many believe it to be a problem. They ask, "How can we prevent Jews from assimilating? How can we keep the Jews practicing Judaism with other Jews instead of doing other weird spiritual things with people who aren’t Jewish?" And then I show up, reporting for duty, having spent the past year drinking ayahuasca in Ecuador with goyim, with my personality sun in the gate of assimilation, in line 1, the line of Proselytization: “The attempt to undermine one set of values for another”. Ha!

What set of values am I attempting to undermine for another? Well, it seems to be largely determined by my principles. My design sun is in Gate 49: Principles, the Gate of Revolution! I am designed to bring Revolution! What does this mean? "Ideally, the transformation of forms based on the highest principles and not simply for power”. 

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Gate 49 is a deeply tribal gate. It is one of the only tribal gates I have in my design. I have a notable lack of tribal circuitry, and a predominance of individuality. My mind is 2/3 individual and 1/3 collective. But Gate 49, I am realizing, is a very significant characteristic I possess, and it is tribal AF.  Principles are tribal. That is the nature of principles. 

Principles are not to be confused with morals. Gate 23 (Assimilation) in the Ajna Center (mind) reads “Amorality. The awareness and understanding which leads to the acceptance of diversity”. If I am stuck on a morality trip, I cannot accept diversity. If my mind is rigidly attached to ideas of right vs wrong, I cannot access my potential for awareness and understanding. Different minds are designed to conceptualize differently.  In order for my mind to operate correctly and efficiently, I experiment with amorality. My mind does not determine my principles. 

So then, where do principles come from, if not the mind? Gate 49 is in the emotional center- principles are emotional. Principles are something I feel in my body- and they’re constantly evolving as I move along my emotional wave. In order to have a peaceful impact, I refrain from acting impulsively and I wait until I am emotionally clear before I accept or reject a principle. I make sure the principle sticks around through all my various moods; I wait until it no longer feels highly charged, it just feels clear and true. (I'm describing Emotional Authority). 

My principles may not be yours, and that doesn’t mean mine are "right" and yours are "wrong", or vice versa. We have different bodies; we are different beings. We might feel loyalties to different tribes, and that is okay. 

But one of the funny things about my gate 49 is that it is in line 3, the line of trial and error. This is bonds made and broken when it comes to my principles. I try out a set of principles and then I proselytize all about it, I enroll you in my revolution- and then I discover what doesn’t work, I break the bond with that revolution and I’m onto the next one. 3rd lines are highly resilient, and deeply creative in finding what actually does work on the material plane. 

In college I spent three summers going door to door in Vermont, proselytizing about environmental causes, gathering support for that revolution. Biking up steep rocky hills in Vermont, rain or shine, through blood, sweat and tears, I gave my all to that job. My fellow environmental warriors and radical progressives were my tribe, their needs deeply influenced my principles.  While I am still friends with some of them on an individual level, that is not my tribe anymore, my third line broke the bond. I found what didn’t work about how we were operating, I learned from it, and I moved onwards and upwards. Many of the principles I felt a resonance with back then are no longer my principles. It’s not necessarily that my mind now believes that what we were fighting for is “wrong”- it’s just that my body is no longer sensitive to the same needs I was sensitive to back then.  My mind does not have a choice in the matter. 

In exaltation, Gate 49 line 3 is “The ability to destroy antiquated forms once the restrictions have been removed. The potential in sensitivity to reject failed principles or relationships.” And then in detriment: “A savageness in eliminating the old order that may permanently scar the new. An insensitivity in rejection and rejecting”.  

So, to reiterate: we have themes around sensitivity, insensitivity, acceptance and rejection. Gate 49 says: If you obey my principles, I am sensitive to your needs, I will accept you and support your revolution. If you disobey my principles, I am insensitive to your needs and I will reject you and your stupid revolution. 

I have learned from experience the importance of taking my time to make sure I really am clear that something is true for me to support before I proselytize about it, because I am impactful. And I am trying my best to be more responsible with my impact.   This is how I ensure that my impact is peaceful. That is the Manifestor Signature: Peace. No type understands the longing for peace like a Manifestor does. 


Sun in Gate 1: Transition into the Quarter of Mutation


Sun in Gate 44: How to Have Healthier, More Successful Relationships